Uinta County Herald | 9-6-2022 Uinta County Herald legal notices

2022-09-09 20:05:36 By : Ms. Nick Bao

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The Uinta County Board of Commissioners is requesting grandstand proposals from firms interested in providing design, engineering, and installation services.  Services needed include design, construction plans, engineering stamps, material manufacturing, installation and complete construction of bleachers at the Uinta County Fairgrounds, 122 Bear River Drive, Evanston WY.  Bleachers will consist of 5,000 +/- aluminum plank seats (or better) built on an I-Beam construction format, handicapped access and seating, and all safety protections required by current Wyoming code. Construction will ideally begin in Fall of 2022 and must be completed before June 1, 2023.  

RFP Submittal Terms: The Point of Contact (POC) for this solicitation is: 

Jeff Breininger, Project Manager 

A Pre-Proposal Conference and facility tour will be conducted at 10 am, Wednesday, Sept 14, 2022, beginning at the Uinta County Complex, 225 9th Street, Evanston, WY 82930.  All firms interested in submitting a proposal are encouraged to attend.  Contact the POC for ZOOM access if needed.

PUBLISHED: Sept. 6, 9, 13, 2022         09064

The Uinta County Commissioners will accept applications for an unexpired term on the Fair Board.  Applications can be found at www.uintacounty.com under the Documents tab or at the County Clerk’s Office located at 225 9th St. Evanston.  Completed applications are due in the County Clerk’s Office by 5:00 p.m. September 15, 2022.  Applications can be mailed to 225 9th St. Evanston, WY  82930; faxed to 307-783-0511 or emailed to [email protected]

The Uinta County Commissioners met in regular session on August 16, 2022 in the commission chambers, 225 9th Street, Evanston. Chairman Eric South convened meeting at 2:00 p.m. Commissioner Brent Hatch and Commissioner Mark Anderson were present. Also present: Amanda Hutchinson, County Clerk; Lori Perkins, Assessor; and Loretta Howieson, County Attorney.

Motion Hatch, second Anderson to approve the agenda.  3 yes votes, passed.

Motion Anderson, second Hatch to appoint Patricia Arnold to an unexpired term on the Uinta Healthcare Trust Board.  3 yes votes, passed.

Motion Hatch, second Anderson to approve Resolution 22-24 authorizing the county to levy 12 mills with one of those mills being provided to the libraries.  3 yes votes, passed.

Motion Hatch, second Anderson to approve a salary contribution agreement with the University of Wyoming to pay $23,346.00 towards the annual salary of a 4-H Educator for a one-year term ending June 30, 2023.  3 yes votes, passed.

Motion Anderson second, Hatch to approve the requested mill levies as follows: School District One – 46.7, School District Four – 44.7, School District Six – 45.7, County – 11, Library – 1, Conservation – .517, Fire District – 3, Weed & Pest – .996, Evanston, Bear River, Lyman and Mountain View – 8.0 each, Bridger Valley Water Conservation – 1.0, Ft Bridger Cemetery – 2.0, and Fort Bridger Water & Sewer – 8.0 as presented by Lori Perkins, Assessor.  3 yes votes, passed.

Motion Hatch, second Anderson to authorize a malt beverage permit for September 2nd – September 5th for the Mountain View Lions Club during the Fort Bridger Rendezvous and exclusive use of the county property adjacent to the Fort on the same days as requested by Farrell Alleman.  3 yes votes, passed.

Motion Anderson, second Hatch to approve a proposal from Western Fence Company to construct a perimeter fence around the Jail for $146,390.00, which will be paid for by a Homeland Security grant as requested by Jeff Breininger.  3 yes votes, passed.

Public Health Emergency Preparedness Response Grant

Motion Hatch, second Anderson to approve a grant of $110,000.00 for emergency preparedness and $100,000.00 for a Public Health Crisis Response grant as requested by Callie Perkins, Public Health.  3 yes votes, passed.

A&R 2nd Subdivision

Kent Williams, Planner, opened a public hearing to allow for comments on the A & R 2nd Subdivision map amendments located in NE NW Section 9 of T15N R115W and Blk 1 Lt 1 of the A&R Subdivision.  Cloey Wall, Uinta Engineering spoke in favor; no one spoke in opposition. Motion Hatch, second Anderson to approve Resolution 22-25, which amends a portion of the zoning from Agricultural/Resource/Development (ARD) to Residential and the outer portion from Residential to ARD and Resolution 22-26 vacating the A & R Subdivision.  3 yes votes, passed. 

Motion Hatch, second South to approve the minutes of the August 2, 2022 meeting.  2 yes votes, passed.

Motion Anderson, second Hatch to approve warrants 453717 through 453809.  

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WARRANTS:  A-1 Radiator Repair, $960.00, Radiator Repair; Ace Disposal, Inc., $696.79, Garbage Disposal; All West Communications, $703.13, Phone/Internet Service; George Cook, 391.80,Professional Services; Allan L Smith dba A+ Trophy, $10.37, Plaque; Axis Forensic Toxicology, Inc, $260.00, Forensic Lab; Babcock, Kim, $42.70, Reimburse; Bank of the West  (Assessor), $31.17, Credit Cards; Bank of the West (Attorney), $121.03, Credit Cards; Bank of the West (Dist Crt Clerk), $5,201.01, Credit Cards; Bank of the West (CoClerk), $1,296.92, Credit Cards; Bank of the West (Commissary), $3,928.00, Credit Card; Bank of the West (Drug Court), $321.67, Credit Card; Bank of the West (Extension), $113.89, Credit Cards; Bank of the West (IT), $1,736.10, Credit Card; Bank of the West (Landfill), $212.96, Credit Cards; Bank of the West (Maintenance), $3,917.37, Credit Cards; Bank of the West (Museum), $173.24, Credit Card; Bank of the West (Public Health), $1,582.35, Credit Cards; Bank of the West (Planning), $2,349.58, Credit Cards; Bank of the West (R&B East), $286.55, Credit Cards; Bank of The West (Sheriff), $1,921.79, Credit Cards; Bank of the west (Voca), $1,323.21,Credit Cards ; Bear River Veterinary Clinic, $234.25, Professional Services; Benedict Ace Hardware, $32.98, Supplies; BIGZZ SANITATION, $685.00, TOILET RENTALS; Bridger Valley Electric, $1,756.56, Utilities; Bridger Valley Joint Powers Board, $127.50, Utilitites; Wex Bank/Cardwell (Assessor), $222.01, Fuel; Wex Bank/Cardwell (IT), $179.95, Fuel; Wex Bank/Cardwell (Maint), $3,611.11, Fuel; Wex Bank/Cardwell (PH), $106.98, Fuel; Bank/Cardwell (Planning), $249.54, Fuel; Wex Bank/Cardwell (Sheriff), $11,264.53, Fuel; Cazin’s, $500.62, Hardware/Landscaping; Century Link, $2,303.72, Telephone; City Of Evanston (Utilities), $4,149.52, Utilities; City Of Evanston, $8,987.50, Program Funding; City Of Evanston, $8,987.50, Building Rental; Codale Electric Supply Inc, $1,774.52, Parts; Creative Ink Images LLC, $496.67, Flags; DBT Transportation Services LLC, $555.81, Airport Services; Dustbusters Inc, $155,735.40, Dustgard; Ellingford Bros., Inc. (Maint), $854.00, Concrete/Parts; ESRI, $8,500.00, Software Maintenance; Evanston Regional Hospital, $81.81, Medical Services; Evanston Regional Hospital, $81.81, Medical Records; Evanston Uinta Joint Powers Bd, $11,853.24, Rent; Forensic Medicine & Pathology, PLLC, $3,000.00, Autopsy; Francom, D Mckay, DDS, $571.20, Medical;  Freeway Tire, $897.68, Tires; Greenwood Mapping, Inc., $6,800.00, Redistricting; Harris Law Office P C, $1,209.32, Legal Services; Sam Hatch Concrete, $2,400.00, Contract Services; High Country Behavioral Health, $72.50, Professional Services; Komatsu Equipment Co, $8,617.25, Parts; LR Communications Inc, $550.00, Uploader Internet; Motorola Solutions, Inc., $61,388.73, Parts; Mountain West Business Solutions, $163.01, Copier Maintenance; Mountain West Business Solutions, $163.01, Copier; National Benefit Services LLC, $438.00, Cafeteria Plan; Norco, Inc., $179.69, Parts; Office Products Dealer Inc, $488.00, Office Supplies; Pacheco,Chantell, $74.48, reimbursement; Cindy F. Martinez dba Personnel, $250.00, Professional Services; Quadient Inc, $311.88,Maint ; Dominion Energy, $1,248.31, Utilities; Quill Corp, $548.21, Office Supplies; RelaDyne West LLC, $51,247.84, Fuel; Rocky Mountain Power (Utilities), $271.79, Electricity; SAFV Task Force, Inc., $3,419.29, Support Funds; Sanofi Pasteur, $8,667.39, Medical Supplies; Skaggs Companies Inc Dba, $582.68, Uniforms; Wyoming Department Of Health, $304.96, State Car/Payroll; SUMMIT FOOD SERVICES, LLC, $5,919.87, Food Contract Services; Town Of Lyman, $905.50, Rent; Town Of Mt View, $599.82, Utilitites; Trane U.S. Inc., $158.49, Bldg Maintenance; Uinta County Treasurer (Grants), $135,056.34, Grant Funding; Uinta Co Herald, $1,010.18, Advertising/Subscription; Uinta County Museum, $206.05, Support Funds; Uinta Co Treasurer (Postage), $1,895.50, Postage; Uinta Recycling Inc, $2,733.33, Support Funds; Union Telephone Company, $59.01, Cell/Telephone; Us Postal Service(Atty), $312.00, Mail Box Rental; Us Postmaster (clerk Court), $312.00,Postage ; UW Agricultural Extension, $75.00, Business Cards; Vector Disease Control Int, LLC, $25,000.00, Aerial Spraying; Vreeland, Jack, $105.00, Legal Services; Wazitech Technical Solutions, $14,726.84, Professional Services; Weld Etc, $270.00, Professional Services; Wells Fargo Financial Leasing, $113.00, Copier Lease; Westar Printing,$1,671.65, Printing; White Mountain Lumber, $1,016.34, Building Maintenance; Wyoming Machinery Company, $200,000.00,Cat Rock Truck ; Wyoming Waste Services - Rock, $263.80, Garbage Disposal.

Meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m.



PUBLISHED: Sept. 6, 2022       09061

The Bear River Regional Joint Powers Board has an “at large” position available.  Persons interested must be a qualified voter of Uinta County.  Please submit a letter of interest to BRRJPB, 81 Elk Drive, Bear River, WY 82930 or e-mail to [email protected] .  Letter must be received by September16, 2022 @ 4:00 p.m.  Questions call 307-789-2800.

PUBLISHED: Sept. 6, 2022       09066


SEALED BIDS for a 2023 or newer 250/2500 ¾ TON CREW CAB 4WD LONG WHEELBASE PICKUP WITH FLIP TOP SERVICE BODY will be received by the City of Evanston at the Department of Public Works, 33 Allegiance Circle, Evanston, Wyoming; until 1:00 p.m., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022, at which time any and all bids received will be opened and read aloud. 

BID SPECIFICATIONS may be obtained at the Department of Public Works, 33 Allegiance Circle, Evanston, WY  82930; Phone: (307) 783-6450; a hard copy requires a payment of $12.00 for each set; non-refundable.

RESIDENT PREFERENCE(S): In order to receive a five percent (5%) resident preference, resident contractors and material suppliers must be state certified and receive a certificate of residency.  When obtaining project bid documents, resident contractors and suppliers must indicate their residency status by providing their residency certification number.  Certified resident suppliers shall submit a list of supplies and materials, specific to the project, which qualify to receive preference along with company contact names and phone numbers. Contact information from resident suppliers shall be available to resident contractors to use in preparing bids and meeting Wyoming statutory requirements.

The OWNER reserves the right to reject all or any part of bids if the Governing Body determines that it is in the best interest of the City to do so.

City of Evanston Public Works phone number is 307-783-6450:

Carolyn Maddux         Administrative Assistant III    

            [email protected]

Herman Roybal           Water Dist. & Coll. Manager

            [email protected]

Gordon Robinson        Director of Public Works

            [email protected]

(If emailing questions or requests, include Bid name on subject line)

PUBLISHED: Sept. 2, 6, 9, 2022           09025

WHEREAS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a default in the payment under the terms of a secured and perfected Note has occurred.  The Note is secured by a Mortgage dated April 6, 2009 and recorded on April 15, 2009 at REC # 147357 Book 930, Page 989 in the records of Uinta County, Wyoming from Edward L. Coombs and Marcia M. Coombs, to World Alliance Financial Corp for the amount of $390,000.00.  The Mortgage having been assigned to and now in possession of WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB AS TRUSTEE OF WV 2017-1 GRANTOR TRUST, through assignments recorded on April 27, 2010 at REC# 151825 Book 950, Page 891,October 30, 2015 at REC# 1010109 Book 1031, Page 31-32, March 14, 2016 at REC# 1015679 Book 1036, Page 474-475 and April 13, 2022 at REC# 1121887 Book 2037, Page 843 in the records of Uinta County, Wyoming.

WHEREAS the Mortgage contains a power of sale, which by reason of the default that has occurred, the Mortgagee has declared to become operative, and no suit or proceeding has been instituted to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, or any part thereof, nor has any suit or proceeding instituted and the same discontinued and:

WHEREAS written Notice of Intent to Foreclose by Sale and Advertisement has been served upon the record owner and party in possession of the mortgaged premises at least ten (10) days prior to commencement of the publication, and the amount due upon the Mortgage at the date of first publication of this notice of sale being the estimated total sum of $400,323.69 which consists of the unpaid principal balance of $169,566.16, plus outstanding charges, attorney fees, costs expected, accruing interest and late charges after the date of first publication of this notice.

WHEREAS this property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid.

NOW, THEREFORE WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB AS TRUSTEE OF WV 2017-1 GRANTOR TRUST as Mortgagee, will have the Mortgage foreclosed as by law provided by having the mortgaged property sold at public venue by the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff in and for Uinta County, Wyoming to the highest bidder for cash on September 21, 2022 at 10:00 AM at the front door of the Uinta County Courthouse located at 225 9th Street, Evanston, Wyoming 82930.  For application on the above described amounts secured by the Mortgage, said mortgaged property being described as follows, to wit:

Lot 4 of the Pleasant Valley Subdivision, being located in Uinta County, Wyoming, according to the plat recorded October 3, 1983, as Instrument No R9443 in the office of the Uinta County Clerk.

With an address of 635 Almy Road 107, Evanston, Wyoming 82930.  Together with all improvements thereon situated and all fixtures and appurtenances, thereto.


Scott D. Toebben, Wyoming State Bar No. 7-5690

Randall S. Miller & Associates, P.C. - CO

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